Mission 2030
The series of workshops given for the Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism dealt with the evaluation of the Energy Efficiency Act. This framed strategic measures, household measures and energy poverty.
Heidelinde Adensam
Head of Department Energy Efficiency and Buildings, Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and TechnologyThe Efficiency Act affects many different stakeholder groups and we had great respect for the evaluation of this controversial law. In the course of many workshops and discussion rounds with the support of Ms. Hillbrand, it was possible to work out the core problems and identify concrete needs for change. At the end of the process, not all interest groups were of the same opinion, but solutions could be identified to balance interests.
Jürgen Schneider
Head of Directorate General VI – Climate Action and Energy at Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and TechnologyThe Efficiency Act affects many different stakeholder groups and we had great respect for the evaluation of this controversial law. In the course of many workshops and discussion rounds with the support of Ms. Hillbrand, it was possible to work out the core problems and identify concrete needs for change. At the end of the process, not all interest groups were of the same opinion, but solutions could be identified to balance interests.