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Powerful collaboration

Communities of practice

“Communities of Practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.”
– Etienne Wenger

Emergent collaborative practices connect us to the very root of what we are doing together. When peers practice together, over time the group members get connected, open up, and develop a shared vision. I firmly believe that Communities of Practice are the only effective way to long-term, self-sustaining change. With ongoing practice, any group will develop its own distinct culture. These methods allow any kind of organisation to succeed transformative shifts while staying true to their core values.

I guide and support the establishment of Communities of Practice which want to apply these methodologies. With such groups, processes of innovation last longer and go deeper. Organisations or teams get transformed and strengthen their collaboration.

The building blocks of an effective Community of Practice are a shared purpose, a sponsor in the organisation, trust and confidence, dedicated people and a safe space.

Powerful Collaboration

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