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Arch. DI Daniel Fügenschuh

Arch. DI Daniel Fügenschuh

Vice president Federal Chamber of Civil Engineers and architects

Our goal was to enable a dialogue and exchange among experts across borders. We succeeded brilliantly, despite or perhaps because of the online format, under the highly competent leadership of Ursula Hillbrand and her team, we succeeded brilliantly. Our participants actively contributed throughout the day and stayed in the digital aperitif rooms for a cultivated exchange, like at a face-to-face conference. We are exited.

Karlheinz Beer

Karlheinz Beer

Architekt BDA & Urban planning

Baukultur does not stop at borders. Competitions and transparent award procedures ensure diversity, innovation and sustainability in the planning and construction process. With our Interreg project, we have developped and promoted an intensive dialogue in the “neighborhood”.
Thanks to your creative thinking, we were able to create a a good base for the best from the respective regions can enter our culture of award procedures. Many thanks to Ursula Hillbrand and her team for the successful and insightful organisation and implementation of our 1st cross-border expert symposium.


George Pòr

George Pòr

President at Campus Co-Evolve

As our client in the European Commission, her dedication to create a warm and safe space of authentic human relations in a highly hierarchical workplace, and generate a continually increasing value to both the organization and community members, was the biggest factor in accomplishing our mission.

Carina Rumpold

Carina Rumpold

Former Head of general administration at Altmünster

The difference between a workshop with Ursula Hillbrand and other offers in this sector is that she manages to get everyone to keep their heads on the topic and participate. I have already experienced this with her in several processes and will work with her again in the future.

Franco Accordino

Franco Accordino

Head of Unit “Investement in High-Capacity Networks” at European Commission

Dedicated mentor and coach, helped me discovering new ways to engage with stakeholders and make sense of their collective intelligence. She masters numerous techniques to harness knowledge, from art of brainstorming to mind mapping, and combines them into the right mix of tools to make conversations meaningful and enjoyable. If you want to design a complex process to achieve a policy or business purpose, shared or personal, Ursula is the right person to ask for!

Prof. Dr. Karel Velle

Prof. Dr. Karel Velle

Director-general of the Belgian National Archives and the State Archives in the Provinces, Part-time associated Professor at Universiteit Gent

In each organisation, personnel changes occur continuously; some colleagues only stay for a short while, others develop their whole career at the same organisation. It is of key importance for colleagues to regularly meet and to be given the opportunity to get to know each other, to exchange ideas, across all kinds of boundaries (geographical, language etc.).
In order to initiate, organise and conduct a dialogue, we called upon Ms. Ursula Hillbrand.

I am particularly pleased with our collaboration. It was obvious right from the beginning that Ursula has a lot of professional experience in the coaching of groups, but there is much more: She has phantastic personal charisma, lots of empathy and she manages to give collaborators a vision and to make them believe in the future.
I can highly recommend Ursula to all managers who want to give their collaborators time and space to meet each other and to think about the future of the organisation.

European meeting of Mayors

European meeting of Mayors

Participating Mayors

“We should really set up a database of the various speeches.”
“We should also have something like a mayor’s academy.”
“I don’t really like workshops, but it was really great!”
“So much knowledge in a group that we can use in many places.”
“That’s a wonderful concept! I would like to use that myself. “

University Mobility Stategy Forum

University Mobility Stategy Forum

Voices of participants
  • A format that generated active participation.
  • Interactive organization, good preparation and implementation
  • Broad participation, very open discussions, great platform for exchange, format very appealing.
  • Activating setting; Involvement of the participants; professional moderation
  • Good moderation, which provided a framework for the open exchange of experiences and which ultimately also led to concrete results.
Karin Van Honacker

Karin Van Honacker

Head international relations, State Archives in Belgium

I had met Ursula before, at a European meeting. An inspiring meeting that led to results!

When at the Belgian State Archives we were looking for a ‘coach’ to facilitate a trajectory to involve young archivists or archivists who had recently entered the service in the functioning of the State Archives, I promptly contacted her.

The sessions we had planned in 2020 had to be turned into virtual meetings due to Covid-19. And miraculously, everyone was very enthusiastic about it! Ursula succeeded with great flair in moulding the art of hosting concept into an online formula, which made real discussions in a safe space possible.

We hope to pursue the online trajectory, which has meanwhile been completed. And if circumstances permit, also with a physical meeting. And Ursula is more than welcome to it! Thanks Ursula, for the inspiring encounters!

Unsere TeilnehmerInnen

Ist für mich die spannenste Veranstaltung seit es online gibt!“

Mein allerbestes Interreg-Projekt.“

Danke für die wirklich sehr gut organisierte Veranstaltung. Ich habe viele wertvolle Informationen und Erfahrungen mitgenommen.“

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